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Do you feel called to live in a new way?

Welcome to Luminous Map Makers!

(Full website coming soon)

My name is Leerone and I am delighted to share with you the comprehensive life training system I created for embodied and applied awakening.

Luminous Map Makers™ (LMM) teaches you:
      1. how to access an internal reSource of universal love, presence and awareness,
      2. how to embody it and
      3. how to apply it into every aspect of your daily life and relationships.

This is an accelerated and paradigm-shifting education that is pioneering in that it trains you to bring your connection (the above mentioned reSource) into action as an awake and healing presence in the world. It also guides you to utilize all of your experiences as vehicles through which to deepen in the realization of your fullest potential.

LMM is a bridge to a new kind of leadership.

LMM is a map for the creation of a new, more loving reality.

We are living in a truly extraordinary time where anyone, anywhere, at any time, can awaken to a palpable experience of his or her own true nature. There is a direct connection with and an unmistakeable access to an all embracing, universal love, presence and awareness. This reSource is our birthright yet it’s largely absent in the world we live in. It is an inner well-spring that nourishes us from the inside out, a creative intelligence born of our wholeness, connectedness and the purity of our hearts, that unfolds who we truly are and guides us into compassionate and inspired action.

When we experience this universal love, presence and awareness, we feel a profound sense of peace and fulfillment as our deepest needs are met and satiated. We attune to the interconnectedness of all things and feel the very substance that gives life to all life. There are infinite names for this universal love, presence and awareness, however, it is most important to understand that it is possible to not only cultivate a conscious connection and relationship with this loving presence and to be nourished and sustained by it, but it is also possible to live from it and to align yourself with the grace of its guidance, benevolent power and brilliant intelligence.

Choosing to cultivate a conscious relationship and align yourself with this universal love, presence and awareness is a heroic journey of epic transformation that demands loving dedication to the practice of self-discovery and to the practice of allowing yourself to be changed. You must make a commitment to show up for yourself and for this heroic journey with a genuine willingness to experience yourself and to feel the totality of your experience. In giving yourself over to your journey, through your steadfast commitment to show up, you will discover your Self beyond your thoughts, personality, fears and beliefs. You will learn to open the doors of perception, to move through your psychological obstructions, to birth your expansive nature, and to be held in its embrace and the embrace of universal love, presence and awareness itself.

My teachings are honed from my extensive training and innate gifts, and emerge as the fruit of my own practice, which continues to evolve out of the direct experience and meticulous study of my own journey of enlightening as well as that of my clients and students. I passionately decode the processes of awakening in order to identify the fundamental and universal components to make radical connection accessible to anyone, anywhere and from any walk of life.

Being human is not easy. Taking a step toward more is a very brave and loving act. Whether you are a curious passerby intrigued by the above content, or acknowledging that your spark of awakening may have been lit, or whether you are a seasoned awakener wanting to go deeper wherever you are on your precious journey, I acknowledge you for your courage to have come this far. I would be honored to facilitate you through LMM in the actualization of your inherent magnificence. You are welcome to contact me. LMM website coming soon.

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